Skin rejuvenation of the face and body at home

The humidity leaves to stay on the skin for a long time and, then, the face pales, and the body loses muscle tone, and women are willing to do anything to bring back the freshness and the beauty.

Someone accesses the plastic surgeons, however, the process of hardening of the tissues can hardly be considered a rejuvenation, even though outwardly the problem seems to be resolved; those who drink dietary supplements – products for health, and this is wonderful, if they are safe and effective, many women visit beauty salons, but do so periodically it is possible, away from everything, and the positive effect can be obtained only if the condition of regularity of these visits, in general, each one of us will try all ways, support and maintain the beauty.

These methods require that not only the regularity, but the financial costs, and, often, the circle is complete the circuit: when we don't have enough money, just pushes the take care of yourself "after". Not worth it then, to refer to himself, because the "then" has to exert much more effort and spend a lot more time to achieve them; if there is no possibility to use the services of beauticians, use folk remedies - they also require the regularity of the application, but the money and the time that you spend much less. To make anti-aging homemade mask, wrap, bathe and t. d., no need to go to another place and spend a lot of money; it is true, the ingredients for masks should always be fresh and natural, for this, you will still have to find and purchase. Folk remedies of rejuvenation of the skin</1_img>

Folk remedies of rejuvenation of the skin

Products and herbs in a people recipes of rejuvenation are used in the most varied, and they know us well – sometimes we don't even imagine they can be the miraculous.

Cleaning of the skin

Start the rejuvenation of the skin can be with the cleaning gently and thoroughly cleanses the skin scrub with brown sugar and papaya. Recent papaya clean, half stretch in pulp and mix with sugar (½ h. l.). Apply the mixture on the face, without affecting the area around the eyes, massaging in a circular motion and leave for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water; the skin becomes fresh and soft. Instead of papaya can pick up the strawberries.

Cleaning, creams or milk can replace vegetable oils: grape seed oil, almonds, olive oil and dp. Cosmetic disk moistened in warm water, applied on it a few drops of oil and rub the face gently massaging.

Animals of lotions for skin rejuvenation

Well rejuvenate the homemade skin lotions.

The lotion mint: 4-5 ct. l. chopped fresh mint or 2 ct. l. dry, pour in boiling water (½ l) and 10 minutes simmered. OStuiaut, filtered, add 1 h. l. lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, 2 ct. l. tincture of calendula and 4 h. l. boric alcohol, mix well, pour into a glass bottle dark and store in the refrigerator. To wipe this lotion face should morning and evening – the color of the skin improves, it becomes more healthy and more youthful.

Lotion parsley is preparing for a little different. Dry (or fresh chopped) leaves and roots of plants (1 ct. l.), pour a glass of boiling water and a half hour to heat water for the bathroom; insist hour, filter paper, and add dry white wine (50-70 g). Clean the face morning and evening.

A mask for skin rejuvenation

To prepare OMOlarivudai mask of herbs need to take equal parts of the leaves of the linden tree, strawberries, currants, yarrow, plantain; raw materials are carefully ground, mixed, and pour 4 ct. l. a mixture of boiling water to form a porridge. When the mixture has cooled, in 15 minutes is applied on the face and neck; rinse with cold water.

With the juice of medicinal household plant aloe can cook excellent rejuvenating homemade mask. In a porcelain or glass cup mixed aloe juice (years 1 ct. l.) with the olive oil (1 h. l.), and are a mixture of pre-steamed face. After 15 minutes, the mask film with the damp cloth and the top cause another cream with ½ h. l. salt raw egg white; keep for 10 minutes, and washed with a decoction of st. john's wort or sage. After the masks give your nourishing cream.

Very useful and the nutrition is obtained from the mask with a banana, a yogurt (2 ct. l.) and honey (1 ct. l.). Yoghurt and honey mixed with mashed pulp of ½ a banana, cause porridge on your face, keep 15-20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Mask with milk: warm milk need to add more flour, so that it resembled a mixture of cream of milk, then add the yolk, mix and apply the mixture on clean face. Hold 20 minutes and wash it with water with a little lemon juice.

Rejuvenates also mask the protein, honey (1 h. l.) and flour (2 h. l.). The protein beat to foam, add the flour and honey, stir thoroughly, and 20 minutes to put on cleansed face. Rinse with warm water.

A simple potato as well helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face, especially dry – are smoothed over small, and not too thin. Just boil the potatoes in the steam, peel, mash, and in the form of heat apply on face. After 20 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. The Capsicum annuum puree, you can add a little milk or cream.

The rejuvenation of the body at home In the home is possible with the success of rejuvenate not only the face but also the body.

Mask for rejuvenation of the body

Before you apply mask anti-aging, body skin also, the need to clean: scrub with raspberries, cream and sugar is called antivorastNYM. You need to mix in a small bowl 2 ct. l. mashed fresh (frozen) raspberries-fine sand of sugar (3-4 ct. l.), and sour cream (2-3 ct. l.), apply the exfoliator on the body, keeping 5-10 minutes, massage with circular movements and rinse with warm.

Are very effective mask with coffee and essential oils. Penetrating through the skin, the caffeine promotes the breakdown of fat and the skin gives a light tone of sunbathing, only need to take the natural coffee – the soluble skin will not be of any use. The one in the middle, add a few drops of tea tree oil, is applied on the body massaged and washed.

Mask for the body with freshly ground coffee (1 ct. l.), the cream (2 ct. l.), and extra virgin olive oil (1-2 h. l.). The ingredients are well blended, 5 minutes to heat up the bath water, and are the mixture on the body – especially on the thighs and buttocks, hold for 10 minutes and wash with warm.

Animals of rejuvenation of the bathroom

Animals anti-ageing bath to make it even easier, the masks – you can simply lie in the warm water, and the skin will be soften, and receive the nutrients. the bath</2_img>

The water for the bath with the temperature 37-38°C, add a litre of hot fat milk or broth pshenychnykh bran: pour 2 kg of bran and water (5 litres) to boil, strain and pour into a bath. Take a shower 15 to 20 minutes; then lubricate the skin with almond oil.

Talk about masks, rejuvenating for all skin types here do not get, but it is possible to enumerate some effective ingredients.

  • To the skin without brightness are good mask with grated carrot, lemon juice and yogurt – they return you to the freshness and healthy color.
  • Masks of fresh cucumber refresh and soothe whiskertandlth the skin; masks with bananas help to prevent the appearance of wrinkles early.
  • For oily skin are good mask tomato; constricts the pores and tightens the skin, the mask with the yolk of protein and the lemon juice; acne and rashes helps to eliminate the mask with mint leaves.
  • Soften the skin and remove dead skin cells to help the mask with oatmeal.

OMOlandживandtSya at home, you can not only outside, but from the inside to the outside – there are many remedies that cleanse the body, improving metabolism and stimulating the renewal of cells.

The true magic mixture is obtained from common products: honey – 1 kg lemon – 4 Wt., garlic – 3 heads, flaxseed oil – 200 ml. Peeled garlic and lemons (2 refined and 2 with enthusiasm) ground in a mill or in a blender, add the honey and oil, stir everything with a wooden spoon and transfer into a glass jar. Store the tool have in the fridge and take 3 times a day, for 1 ct. l. half an hour before a meal. After some time, the skin of the face and the whole body becomes smooth and silky, will improve the state of the nails and hair.

Simple and low-cost home remedies for skin rejuvenation too – just need to learn more about them, and choose those that will like. The regular application of masks, scrubs, lotions, bath salts, and other procedures help to recover skin smoothness, freshness, elasticity, and youth, and then mood, again, is going to be beautiful, and life interesting and joyful.